EdTech Decision-making in Higher Education
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Welcome to
Working Group B
This site has been created by the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, to disseminate findings from the study EdTech Decision-making in Higher Education which was conducted by Working Group B in 2016-17 to present at the EdTech Efficacy Academic Research Symposium, May 3-4, 2017, Washington DC.
EdTech Decision-making in Higher Education: Summary
This is a condensed, bullet-point version of key study findings and recommendations.
EdTech Decision-making in Higher Education
This is the full study report including excerpts from interviews and detailed descriptions of decision-making processes. Please post any comments at the bottom of this page.
EdTech Decision-making in Higher Education Repository
A small repository of documents and website links collected from institutions of higher education during the study which may be useful to other EdTech decision-makers.